Friday, January 2, 2015


                                                 ESSENCE OF CHRISTMAS

Christmas is one of the important occasions that we are celebrating every year. December 25, that was the date we’d never ever forgot on our entire life. Because we all know that we are celebrating Christmas because this is the day when our Jesus Christ born. This is the day when our SAVIOR born.

September, October, November, December. These are the months that they say that the Christmas season starts. In the month of December, we feel the cool breeze of the air. And in these month some families will had a problem because of the foods and the things that they will prepare in the Christmas Day. Some of us know that the essence of Christmas is that what we prepare but the TRUE essence of Christmas was love, sharing, and giving of what we had. It’s not the foods that we may offer/ prepare but it is the sharing and giving of all the things with all of your heart. These are the things that we need to do to complete our Christmas and complete the Christmas of others too. Because Christmas is the day when our savior born. What he wants is to share and give what we had. Love one another is what we really need most.

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