Sunday, November 23, 2014


                                                 CLIMATE CHANGE
          Climate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns. Climate change may refer to a change in average weather conditions, or in the time variation of weather around longer-term average conditions.

Why do we have that Climate Change?
          We have climate change in the world because of various things/ activities we do. Because in everything that we do, it can affect our climate. 

          Pollution is the one that affects climate change. Because of pollution, our ozone layer destroyed. And if the ozone layer destroyed we are now less protected for too much heat entering to our planet. 

          When the climate changes, we usually suffering from floods, heat waves or it can be the intense rain. And that happens when the temperature rises. There’s also the possibility that the sea level also rises as the temperature rises. And nowadays, we are suffering the warm climate that may affect more on our health. It may also affect the natural environment to become more heat and heat. The agriculture also which many plants may wither because of too much heat. Especially the Greenhouse Effect that causes warm in our atmosphere that affects more on our health.

          The climate is a very important thing and if we don’t stop the changes, more and more plants and trees are going to die, we won’t have enough food and then not only the third world countries suffer from hunger but the whole world. I think it is better to first stop the changes in climate and then gradually reduce the hunger in the poor countries. Because if we stop the changes, we are going to be healthier and everything around us will be cleaner and it will be how it actually should be.  

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