Thursday, November 20, 2014


                                      “OUTPOURING HEARTS AND MINDS THROUGH           ENGLISH PROFICIENCY”

                        Many of us expressing our thoughts through what we get easily think. But expressing our thoughts through Hearts and Minds is what we really need.
                        In this world, many people can be said that they are proficient in speaking or expressing their thoughts through English Language. But we Filipinos many of us playing words in our minds but we didn’t tend it to say like a proficient man do. Our proficiency in speaking through English Language is very weak when I ranked it. It’s easier for us to write it than we spoke it orally.
                        Every individual know how to express our thoughts through any language. But when the time to express our thoughts in English Language, many of us complaining. Maybe we do not know what’s the proper way and maybe it’s not the first language we’ve heard when our mother gave birth to us. So we need to learn it more.

                        English Language is our International Language, so we need to learn and know the proper way in expressing what we want to say through English language. Because this is the only language we need for the better communication that we are aiming for.

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