Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Immunation: Arming Science Clubbers With Healthful Defenses Towards National Wellness

                            "Immunation:  Arming Science Clubbers With Healthful Defenses Towards National Wellness"- the theme for the Science Month Celebration these year 2014.

                             Immunation is to prevent disease, so Science Clubbers liked to be armed/ to be immune to prevent diseases through sharing their knowledge on how to prevent infection of a disease and also on how to spread and how diseases developed. So Science Clubbers do some action to prevent disease by sharing their knowledge. Not only Science Clubbers but also to the Schools or Communities to lead to National Wellness.

                             Let us join our force to prevent diseases even by sharing only our knowledge to one another so that one another will know what to do especially people who has diseases. To be we citizens of this country become healthy.

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