Friday, August 8, 2014

Challenges that I've Encountered

                                    In our Education, every grade/ year had a 4 Grading Periods. In each period there are problems or challenges that may encounter. It will make us strong or weak. It depends on the problem.
                                   As a fourth year student, in Firs Grading Period, I've Learned a lot of things especially in the subject Information Communication and Technology (ICT). I've learned how to search easier with the different terms and also on how to post a Blog or make a Blog. And also as a student I have encountered problems but it's not the complicated one. Like when we make our draft needed for our blogs that serve as our project. And specially in our exam. It so hard to answer even you reviewed. Yes, I reviewed but a little only and I think I read only my notes. So now I challenged to focus more in my studies for my own good. So in the other grading , I will do my best to my studies to avoid problems like what I have experienced in First Grading Period.


  1. The content is good, but make an improvement in your content's design. :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. i like your work but there are some errors in your composition:)

  4. Good work!!!!But improve more in your composition..:)
