Tuesday, February 10, 2015


                             OH! It's Fourth grading already. After these grading Graduation is coming. Many thing to rush and to be accomplished including the requirements for this grading period to graduate or to march in the graduation day.

                            In these grading, our lessons focus on Adobe Photoshop. And my knowledge in these lessons came back because we already tackled it when we are in First Year and Second Year and now we are continuing it. I learned again about the clone stamp, the brush tools and on how to change a hair color. And now I am rushing my blogs and my project. And I feel nervous for our Exam in these grading period because they say that this is an online exam. 

             This is already my last post in High School because graduation is already coming.

             Advance Happy graduation!:) 

             And thanks to our teacher Mrs. Evelyn Vera Cruz for the knowledge about computer!:)

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